The message, part 1

Publisert 15/09/2017 av Magnus

One of the things that the TINC project challenges us to do is to sharpen our message. Who are we? What do we do? How do we do it? What does that mean and to whom? It’s complicated. Or, maybe it’s actually easy. It’s just that there’s so much to say, and people are (thankfully) used to giving very limited time and attention to hear these kinds of messages. So, we have to make it easy to relate to the message quickly, so people can understand and make sense of the message. This is the challenge we’re facing today, tomorrow and for the unforeseeable future.

What’s the message, then?

At its core, Headshed is all about sales. Our team combines sales and marketing expertise, sustainable ethics and progressive software development in the creation of intelligent sales systems. We help businesses grow. We do this by using customer and response data to help find the right customer, for the right product, at the right time, in a relevant way. So far, the feedback has confirmed that we are on the right track to solving a problem that is both real and highly relevant – how to sell more without necessarily making more noise.

Why do we do it?

–> There’s something missing in sales and marketing. It’s the right customer.

How many sales and marketing decisions are based on assumptions made either without customer input or with inferred customer knowledge? Sadly, the answer is ‘most of them’. Whether it’s a phone call, an e-mail, a text message or a billboard – customers everywhere are bombarded with irrelevance. Noise. Does that really help your brand? Are you expecting customers to buy your products and the way you sell them or do you adjust to their actual demands and preferences?

Do you believe that the companies that make the loudest and most persistent noise win the market, or do you recognize that the companies with the best product-market fit are slowly, but surely gaining on you?

Here’s what we believe.

We believe that customers should have their say when it comes to what businesses know or don’t know about them. We believe that businesses should take individual product-customer history and self-reported preferences into account when they make decisions about who to call, e-mail or otherwise notify about their products. We believe that less is more. Less noise is more relevance. Less waste is more gain. Less messages means more reading. We believe that customers, sales channels and businesses need to interact on equal terms, and that there is no hierarchy – there are only different roles for people:

  • One day you are the customer.
  • The next day you are the company.
  • On occasion, you are part of the sales channel.

We believe in many things, obviously, but one is above all. There is no business without customers. There is no supply without demand. Your product supply might be limitless, your customers are not. Make the most of your connection with them. At the very least, act like you care.

How do we do it, and what does that mean to whom?

We create smarter sales systems that allow:

  • businesses to sell more products and waste less time and money,
  • customers to feedback on products and how they are communicated, and
  • users to have a good time.


If you want to know more, well, you can always wait for part 2 – or you could get in touch right now!