Sette ut salget?

Sette ut salget?

Hva vet vi om om å sette ut salgsaktivitet? Alle våre kunder er unike og bruker løsningen vår ulikt – fra callsenter med 40-50 samtidige parallelle oppdrag til enkeltmannsforetak som booker møter til seg selv. Hvis vi løfter blikket litt faller imidlertid alle...
Cube 2.0 – fleksibel kontroll og frihet

Cube 2.0 – fleksibel kontroll og frihet

Hvorfor Cube 2.0? Normalt oppgraderer vi Cube kontinuerlig, men denne gangen har vi spart opp til en pakke som til slutt ble så vesentlig forbedret fra forrige versjon at den fikk æren av å bli Cube 2.0. Her kommer noen høydepunkter, og vi viser dere mer enn...
The right customer

The right customer

The customer is always right. Right? But who is the right customer – and is anyone left? As mentioned in a previous post, one of the key elements in everything we do is to make sure the customer is heard – that his or her feedback is taken into...
The message, part 1

The message, part 1

One of the things that the TINC project challenges us to do is to sharpen our message. Who are we? What do we do? How do we do it? What does that mean and to whom? It’s complicated. Or, maybe it’s actually easy. It’s just that there’s so much to say, and people are...
Why we obsess about your customer and sales data

Why we obsess about your customer and sales data

Big data. Heard it before? Sure you have. Everyone wants in on it, it’s the future, it’s coming, it’s here, it’s the new loud. If you want to effectively automate and fine-tune your marketing, there’s no way around it. But how? I’ve seen my share of customer data sets...